©Picture: (Unknown) * ©MP3: Keeper Of The Stars, Artist: Tracy Bryd

The Keeper of the Stars


It was no accident... me finding you.
Someone had a hand in it...long before we ever knew.
Now I just can't believe...you're in my life.
Heaven's smiling down on me...as I  look at you tonight.
I tip my hat... to the Keeper of the Stars.
He sure knew what He was doing.....when He joined these two hearts.
I hold every... thing... when I hold you in my arms.
I've got all I'll ever need...thanks to the Keeper of the Stars.
Soft moonlight on your face...oh how you shine.
It takes my breath away... just to look into your eyes.
I know I don't deserve...a treasure like you.
There really are no words...to show my gratitude.
So I tip my hat... to the Keeper of the Stars.
He sure knew what He was doing.....when He joined these two hearts.
I  hold every... thing... when I hold you in my arms.
I've got all I'll ever need...thanks to the Keeper of the Stars.
It was no accident... me finding you.
Someone had a hand in it...long before we ever knew.
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MP3: Keeper of the Stars * Artist: Tracy Byrd